Category: class12 BusinessStudies

CBSE Class 12 Business Studies - Principles of Management (MCQs)(#eduvictors)(#class12BusinessStudies)

CBSE Class 12 Business Studies - Principles of Management (MCQs) Multiple Choice Questions: Pick up the right choice from the given options. Q1: By profession- FW Taylor was a (a) Mechanic

CBSE Notes

Class 12 - Business Studies - NATURE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF MANAGEMENT (MCQs) (#eduvictors)(#cbse2020)(#class12BusinessStudies)

NATURE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF MANAGEMENT (MCQs) Class 12 - Business Studies Q1. Which of the following is not an objective of management: (a) Earning profits (b) Creating employment (c) S

CBSE Notes

CBSE Class 12 - Business Studies - Chapter 2 - Principles of Management - Understanding Scientific Management (#Class12BusinessStudies)(#cbse)(#eduvictors)(Q & A)

Understanding Scientific Management (Q & A) CBSE Class 12 - Business Studies Chapter 2 - Principles of Management Q1: What is Taylor's Scientific Management? Answer: F.W. Tay

CBSE Notes

CBSE Class 12 - Business Studies - Chapter 3 - What is a Business Environment? (Q n A)(#eduvictors)(#Class12BusinessStudies)

Chapter 3 - What is a Business Environment? (Questions and Answers) CBSE Class 12 - Business Studies Q1: Define Business Environment. Answer: Business environment means the sum total o

CBSE Notes

Kinds of Objective Type Questions in CBSE Examination 2020 (#eduvictors)(#cbsenews)

Kinds of Objective Type Questions in CBSE Examination 2020

CBSE Notes
