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CBSE Study Material

चाँद से थोड़ी-सी गप्पें - कविता का सार और व्याख्या - कक्षा-6 विषय- हिंदी पुस्तक - वसंत भाग- 1 Class 6 Hindi - Chaand Se Thodi Gappen - Poem Summary #eduvictors #class6Hindi

चाँद से थोड़ी-सी गप्पें - कविता का सार और व्याख्या कक्षा-6 विषय- हिंदी पुस्

 चाँद से थोड़ी-सी गप्पें - कविता का सार और व्याख्या - कक्षा-6 विषय- हिंदी पुस्तक - वसंत भाग- 1 Class 6 Hindi - Chaand Se Thodi Gappen - Poem Summary #eduvictors #class6Hindi

CBSE Notes


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E-Commerce (BCA-305) - Question Bank (Set 1) - BCA Semester-5 #GGSIPU #BCAQuestionPapers #ipumusings

E-Commerce (BCA-305) - Question Bank (Set 1) Short Notes Questions asked in Previous Examinations1. Relationship between E-Commerce and E-Business2. E-Cash3. Payment Gateway4. Characteristi

IPU Musings

BCA/MCA - Communication - Macro Functions of Communication

IPU Musings

Operations Research - Geometrical Solution Of Linear Programming Problem

IPU Musings

How to earn your pocket money while in college?

IPU Musings

BCA 4rd Sem: Computer Networks - BASEBAND vs BROADBAND Transmissions

IPU Musings


IPU Musings

BCA Paper - Computer Graphics (Set-1)

IPU Musings


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MCA - Design and Analysis of Algorithms - What is Algorithm Analysis and Complexity (#mcanotes)(#ipumca)

ANALYSIS AND COMPLEXITY OF ALGORITHMS Q1: What do you mean by "Analysis of algorithm"? Answer: “Analysis of algorithm” is a field in computer science whose overall goal is an understanding

IPU Musings

What is a Black Swan Event? (#Finance)(#ipumusings)(#bba)(#mba)

What is a Black Swan Event? Pickup the correct option from the following Multiple Choice Based Question (MCQ) Question: The term 'Black Swan Event'- often seen in the news- is related to (a) th

IPU Musings

Functions of Catalysts (Biochemistry)"

IPU Musings

GGSIPU MBA/BBA - Information Rights in Digital Society (#mcanotes)(#eduvictors)

Information Rights in Digital Society Privacy is an important social problem involved in statistics society. Privacy deals with the collection and use or misuse of information. Data is constantl


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