ipmusings • 2021-10-17
Fabrication of NanosensorsAuthor: Anushka SinghThe electrochemical properties of nanomaterials are of great interest especially for the designing of sensitive sensors for the assay of any pathogen- bi
ipmusings • 2021-09-21
GRAPHENE A RAY OF HOPE Author: Akanksha KashyapAbstract:The word ‘graphene’ has significantly become synonymous to ‘miracle material’ as- in today’s advancing technology era this
ipmusings • 2021-02-02
Nanotechnology: Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticlesimage credits: Walterdenkens- wikimediaAuthor: Sanjana SinghINTRODUCTIONNanoparticles are really tiny particles with the dimension ranging fro