cbsenotes • 2020-08-07
Metals and Non-Metals (Worksheet)Class 8 Science (Based on CBSE Syllabus)Fill in the blanks with suitable words.1. A metal that is liquid at room temperature______________2. A non-metal that is liquid
cbsenotes • 2020-07-14
Class 7 Science Chapter 2 - Nutrition in Animals (Worksheet) Worksheet based on NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter Fill in the blanks with suitable word(s) 1. Food is entered into the _________ c
cbsenotes • 2016-12-04
ENERGY TRANSFORMATIONS Worksheet Give examples for the following scenarios of energy transformations. You may choose the answer(s) from the following list of words solar cell- turbine- mixer-
cbsenotes • 2011-12-26
Explore Biodigital Human Body in 3D The website BioDigitalHuman provides interactive 3D Human body and anatomical systems views. To view the website you need a browser supports HTML5 and WebGL. Chro
cbsenotes • 2011-11-16
Q: Why do people- having skin problems- are advised not to wear violet clothes? Answer: Violet rays coming from the sun carry high energy. Once such radiation falls on the thin skin- it reacts