Category: science quest

Class 8 Science - Metals and Non-Metals (Worksheet) (#eduvictors)(#cbse2020)(#class8Science)

Metals and Non-Metals (Worksheet)Class 8 Science (Based on CBSE Syllabus)Fill in the blanks with suitable words.1. A metal that is liquid at room temperature______________2. A non-metal that is liquid

CBSE Notes

CBSE Class 7 Science Chapter 2 - Nutrition in Animals (Worksheet)(#eduvictors)(#Class7Science)

Class 7 Science Chapter 2 - Nutrition in Animals (Worksheet) Worksheet based on NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter Fill in the blanks with suitable word(s) 1. Food is entered into the _________ c

CBSE Notes

CBSE Class 9 - Science - Work Power and Energy (ENERGY TRANSFORMATIONS) - Worksheet

ENERGY TRANSFORMATIONS Worksheet Give examples for the following scenarios of energy transformations. You may choose the answer(s) from the following list of words solar cell- turbine- mixer-

CBSE Notes

Explore Biodigital Human Body in 3D

Explore Biodigital Human Body in 3D The website BioDigitalHuman provides interactive 3D Human body and anatomical systems views. To view the website you need a browser supports HTML5 and WebGL. Chro

CBSE Notes

Why do people- having skin problems- are advised not to wear violet or red clothes?

Q: Why do people- having skin problems- are advised not to wear violet clothes? Answer: Violet rays coming from the sun carry high energy. Once such radiation falls on the thin skin- it reacts

CBSE Notes
