cbsenotes • 2014-05-04
Force and Laws of Motion (MCQs) Q1: An object moving at constant velocity in an inertial frame must: (a) have a net force acting on it (b) have zero net force acting on it (c) not have any forc
cbsenotes • 2013-02-06
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (Part-3)(JSTS Scholarship Exam - 2012-13) You may access GK (Part-1)- GK (Part-2) Q31: Cell Secretions are processed and packed up by (a) Golgi apparatus (b) Nucleus (c
cbsenotes • 2013-01-30
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (Part-2)(JSTS Scholarship Exam - 2012-13) You may access GK (Part-1) Q16: Which of the following countries in 20th century was known as Bread Basket of the world (a) USA (b) C
cbsenotes • 2013-01-28
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (Part-1)(JSTS Scholarship Exam - 2012-13) Q1: When was NREGA implemented? (a) 2003 (b) 2005 (c) 1999 (d) 2007 Q2: Buffer stock is the stock of food grains mainly wheat-