Category: CTET

GK - What is the Human Population Now? #generalknowledge #eduvictors #shorts #mine

GK - What is the Human Population Now?

CBSE Notes

Happy Children's Day #14Nov #eduvictors

Happy Children's DayChildren's Day is observed in India every year on November 14. It falls on a Monday this year. Because Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru- often known as Chacha Nehru- had a special affection

CBSE Notes

Class 9 Maths Properties of Quadrilateral Figures #Quadrilaterals #MathsTricks #class9Maths

Class 9 Maths Properties of Quadrilateral Figures

CBSE Notes

Class 8 Science - Pollution in Air and Water (MCQs) #class8Science #environment #pollution #eduvictors

Pollution in Air and Water (MCQs)Class 8 Science#class8ScienceQ1: In general- oxides of non metals are ________ in nature?(a) basic(b) acidic(c) neutral(d) amphotericQ2: The percentage of which of the

CBSE Notes

Class 10 English Grammar (Term 1) MCQs #cbseTerm1 #English #GramamarQuiz #eduvictors

Class 10 English Grammar (Term 1) MCQs Q1. Looking at the growing rising situation of recession- the prices of goods ______come down soon.A. need B. wouldC. shouldD. ought toQ2. The police _

CBSE Notes
