cbsenotes • 2019-11-05
Chemistry - Functions of Catalysts Catalyst- in chemistry- any substance that increases or decreases the rate of a reaction without itself being consumed. Enzymes are bio catalysts i.e. naturally
cbsenotes • 2018-10-08
AIDS(A Brief Introduction) Meaning of AIDS ✤ The word AIDS stands for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. This means a deficiency of the immune system- acquired during the lifetime of an ind
cbsenotes • 2017-11-22
Human Reproduction System - Very Short Questions and Answers Q1: Define menarche. Answer: A female's first menstrual period. It is marked by the maturation of ovaries. Q2: Which female r
cbsenotes • 2017-09-17
Biology - Arteries vs Veins Areteries vs Veinscredits: Kelvinsong (Wikimedia) under CC-BY-SA-3.0 Arteries and Veins are parts of closed circulatory system and both carry blood. Here follows the
cbsenotes • 2017-08-23
Human Nutrition (Worksheet) Digestive SystemBy Mariana Ruiz Villarreal(LadyofHats) (Own work) [Public domain]- via Wikimedia Commons Fill in the blanks 1. ______________ is a hormone released