cbsenotes • 2017-01-15
FOREST SOCIETY AND COLONIALISM Questions and Answers based on NCERT Chapter Q1: What is deforestation? Answer: Deforestation is cutting down of trees indiscriminately in a forest area. Under t
cbsenotes • 2016-12-28
Food Security Of India Q & A Based on Class 9 Chapter Q 1: Why is food security essential? Answer: ① When the country faces a disaster or calamity like earthquake- flood- drought-
cbsenotes • 2016-12-26
Population Q & A based on NCERT Chapter Part-2 Q1: Which one of the following states is the least populated state? (a) Rajasthan (b) Tripura (c) Jammu and Kashmir (d) Sikkim An
cbsenotes • 2016-12-13
Open Text Based Assessment (OTBA) For classes IX & XI 2017 Available Now OTBA Material for Class 9 and Class 11 for this session (2016-2017) is available at CBSE web
cbsenotes • 2016-12-09
NATURAL VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE Munnar Hills (Kerala) Q & A based on Class 9 NCERT Chapter Q1: Name the different types of vegetation identified in India. Answer: The following majo