cbsenotes • 2018-06-14
Nazism and the Rise of Hitler (Very Short Q and A) Q1: Why did Helmut’s father kill himself in the spring of 1945? Answer: He feared revenge by the Allied Powers Q2: Wh
cbsenotes • 2018-06-12
SOCIALISM IN EUROPE AND THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION CONCEPTS THE AGE OF SOCIAL CHANGE (India and The Contemporary World - I) (Very Short Q and A) Q1: The people who wanted t
cbsenotes • 2018-04-20
Legacy and Results of French Revolution Q1: What were the legacy and results of the French revolution? Answer: The French Revolution is one of the most important events in the history of the
cbsenotes • 2017-11-13
Poverty As A ChallengeImportant Terms You Should Know Poverty: It is a situation in which one is unable to get even the minimum basic necessities of life such as food - clothing - shelter for his
cbsenotes • 2017-10-25
SOCIAL SCIENCE - WORKING OF INSTITUTIONS Q & A Q1: What do you mean by the term institution? Why are they required? Answer: Several arrangements are made in all modern democracies to per