Category: bca sem6

IPU BCA Semester 6 - Artificial Intelligence - End Term Paper (2014)

END TERM EXAMINATION SIXTH SEMESTER BCA MAY-JUNE: 2014 Paper Code: BCA-312 Subject: Artificial Intelligence (Batch 2011 Onwards) Time: 3 Hours

IPU Musings

IPU BCA Semestr 6 - Linux Environment - Salient Features of Linux Operating System

Salient Features of Linux Operating System Linux operating systems has world wide use. It’s the operating system used by more than 95% of the world’s supercomputers. World's leading IT compan

IPU Musings

IPU BCA Semester 6 - Linux Environment - Understanding Run Levels

Understanding Run Levels Linux Environment bum tool (Boot Up Manager in Ubuntu showing what services run under different run levels) Question: What are different run levels in Linux OS? Answer

IPU Musings

IPU BCA Semester VI - Multimedia And Its Applications - End Term Paper (2015)

END TERM EXAMINATION BCA Semester VI MAY-JUNE 2015 Multimedia And Its Applications Time: 3 Hrs &nbs

IPU Musings

IPU BCA Semester 6 - Mobile Computing - Impact On Mobile Computing Design and Functionality

Impact On Mobile Computing Design and Functionality Mobile Computing Question: What is the impact on mobile computing devices design and functionality in the following context? (a) Powe

IPU Musings
