cbsenotes • 2019-11-21
Class 11 Maths Chapter Sets - NCERT Exercise 1.4 (Q 9 - Q 12) NCERT Solutions Q9: If A = {3- 6- 9- 12- 15- 18- 21}- B = { 4- 8- 12- 16- 20 }- C = { 2- 4- 6- 8- 10- 12- 14
cbsenotes • 2019-11-15
Laws of Set Operations Class 11 Maths - Sets Sets under the operations of union- intersection and complement satisfy various laws. These laws collectively called Algebra of sets. Here
cbsenotes • 2019-11-13
Class 11 Maths Chapter Sets - NCERT Exercise 1.4 (Q 6 - Q 8) NCERT Solutions Q6: If A = { 3- 5- 7- 9- 11 }- B = {7- 9- 11- 13}- C = {11- 13- 15} and D = {15- 17}; find (i) A ∩ B
cbsenotes • 2019-11-08
CBSE Class 11 Maths Sets NCERT Exercise 1.4 Answers (Q1 - Q5) Q1: Find the union of each of the following pairs of sets: (i) X = {1-3-5} Y = {1-2-3} (ii) A = {a-e-i-o-u}- B = {a-b-c} (i
cbsenotes • 2019-11-06
Sets - Operations Of Sets Class 11 - Maths COMPLEMENT OF A SET If U be the universal set and A is the subset of U- then the complement of A with respect to U- denoted by A'- A' is defin