Category: bca sem6

IPU BCA Semester 6 - Linux Environment (Minor Test Paper)

Linux Environment Minor Test Question Paper BCA Semester 6 ☛Click on the image to see zoomed view.

IPU Musings

IPU BCA Semester 6 - Mobile Computing (VIPS Minor Test Paper)

Mobile Computing Minor Test Question Paper BCA Semester 6 ☛Click on image to see zoomed view.

IPU Musings

IPU BCA Semester - Dataware House & Data Mining (VIPS Minor Test Paper)

Dataware House & Data Mining Minor Test Question Paper BCA Semester 6 ☛Click on image to see zoomed view.

IPU Musings

IPU BCA Semester 6 - Linux Environment - Linux vs Unix

Linux vs Unix Question: Compare between Unix and Linux Answer: .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{font-family:Arial- sans-serif;font-size:14px;padding:10px 5px;border-styl

IPU Musings

IPU BCA Semester 6 - Linux Environment - Linux Distributions

Linux Distributions Distributions are versions of Linux containing pre-installed programs and a distinctive style and focus. A distribution takes the core of Linux and makes it into an entire ope

IPU Musings
