Category: CTET

Colours in Idioms

A red carpet welcome Colours in Idioms Colours play an important role in our lives. Colours in idioms convey different meanings. Here is a list of few idioms on colours ➊. Black Market: an un

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Plurals with Different Meanings

Some Nouns have same meaning in singular form but have different meanings in plural form. A few are listed here: Colours: Hues Regiment (unit of army) Compasses: Magnetic compasses used

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Comparitive Idioms

Comparative Idioms While comparing two things- we use expressions like 'as ... as'- these expressions are called comparative idioms. Generally used to reflect personality type of a thing or a p

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Class 8- NTSE - Maths - Square and Square Roots #class8Maths #eduvictors

Class 8- NTSE - Maths - Square and Square Roots Perfect Square 1. A number is called a perfect square if it is expressed as the square of a number. 2. E.g. 1- 4- 9- 16- 25- ... a

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Rules of Divisibility

Rules of Divisibility 2: A number is divisible by 2 if the last digit (unit's digit) is even. e.g. 32- 459992 3: A number is divisible by 3- if the sum of digits of a number is divisible b

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