Category: class10 english

CBSE -Class 10 - English (C) - Workbook - Unit 6 - Connectors

Unit 6 - Connectors - Answers Few types of connectors A.2 Read the sentences in Column A and identify the role (i.e. the "job") of the underlined words. Then match each sentence with a role in Co

CBSE Notes

Jumbled Up Sentences (Set-2) - English Grammar #englishgrammar #class9English #class10English

Jumbled Up Sentences (Set-2) - English Grammar Rearrange the following jumbled-up sentences into meaningful ones. (asked in various exam papers) Q1: Example: of/care/is important/post

CBSE Notes

CBSE - Class 10 - English (Comm.) Workbook - Unit 5 - Relatives

RELATIVES A-1 Match the items in A with their definitions. Answer: 1. A dermatologist is - c) a doctor who treats skin diseases. 2. A cassock is - d) a gown which is worn by a priest. 3

CBSE Notes

CBSE - Class 10 - English Workbook (Communicative) - Integrated Grammar Practice 2

Integrated Grammar Practice 2 1. Complete the passage on hypertension by choosing the correct options from those given below. There are two kinds of hypertension: secondary and primary

CBSE Notes

CBSE- Class 10 - English (Comm.) Workbook - Unit 4 - Non-Finites

A.1. Read the items given below. Some are sentences and have a finite verb. Others are phrases and have a non-finite verb. Write S for sentences and P for phrases in the boxes provided. Answer:

CBSE Notes
