Category: class10 english

CBSE Class 10 - English (C) - Unit 10 - NOMINALISATION

Unit 10 - NOMINALISATION Look at these sentences. The school has decided to set up a student panchayat in school. It has created a lot of excitement among the students. The decision of the scho

CBSE Notes

Numbers in Idioms

credits:openclipart Numbers in Idioms ❶. at first sight (meaning: immediately) It was nothing special about him at first sight. ❷. on second thought (meaning: reconsider something) I was goi

CBSE Notes

Reading Comprehension (Unseen Poem) #eduvictors

Reading Comprehension (Unseen Poems) Q1(CTET): Directions: Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option. The sun descending in the we

CBSE Notes

Class 10 English (Comm.) workbook - Unit 13 - REPORTED SPEECH

REPORTED SPEECH A.1 Read and enjoy the following article. The Road to English (Adapted from an article by Arishban Bagchi (Hindu college) [The Hindustan Times- 4 October 1996] 1. The great que

CBSE Notes

Colours in Idioms

A red carpet welcome Colours in Idioms Colours play an important role in our lives. Colours in idioms convey different meanings. Here is a list of few idioms on colours ➊. Black Market: an un

CBSE Notes
