CBSE - Class 9 - Maths - CH2 - Polynomials - Exercise 2.2
Carl Friedrich Gauss - who proved fundamental theorem of Algebra (source:wikipedia) ZEROS (ROOTS) of a POLYNOMIAL 1. A zero of a polynomial p(x) is a number c such that p(c) = 0. O
Carl Friedrich Gauss - who proved fundamental theorem of Algebra (source:wikipedia) ZEROS (ROOTS) of a POLYNOMIAL 1. A zero of a polynomial p(x) is a number c such that p(c) = 0. O
Q1: What is a polynomial? Answer: A polynomial is an algebraic expression- in which no variables appear in denominators or under radical signs- and all variables that do appear are powers of
Al-Khwarizmi invented Algebra and Surds (src: wikipedia) Important points 1. If a > 0- n and m are rational numbers- then (i) am . an = am + n (ii) (am)n = amn (i
Still it is unknown- if ( π + e) is rational or not? Important Points about Rational and Irrational Numbers 1. The sum or difference of a rational number and an irrational number is
Exercise 1.3 Q1. Write the following in decimal form and say what kind of decimal expansion each has: Answer: Q3: Express the following in the form p/q