cbsenotes • 2019-07-02
Control and Coordination (MCQs-2) Class 10 Biology credits:wikipedia Q1: _________ is necessary to obtain energy from glucose and fatty acid. (a) Oxygen (b) Hydrogen
cbsenotes • 2019-06-25
Acids- Bases and Salts (MCQs-2) Class 10 - Chemistry Q1: Which one at the following is acidic? (a) Lemon juice (b) tomatoes (c) Milk (d) All of these Q2:
cbsenotes • 2019-02-06
Class 10 - Biology Quiz Based on CBSE Class 10 Syllabus Quizzes and Worksheets help you learn important keywords and definitions. The following worksheet helps you quickly assess your
cbsenotes • 2018-12-05
Scientific Discoveries and Inventions Quiz Q1: Who discovered the first antibiotic? (a) W Fleming (b) C Waksman (c) Louis Pasteur (d) A Fleming Q2: Who invented the Safety razor? (a) Gillette
cbsenotes • 2018-11-24
Science Quiz for CBSE Class 8 Students Science plays a crucial role in setting the progressive path of our society. It is one way of knowing about the world. Science is a seamless web of k