cbsenotes • 2020-12-10
Class 9 - Chemistry - Atoms and Molecules - Atomicity of Elements (Worksheet)Molecules of an element are formed by the atoms of the same type. Molecules of some elements contain only one atom and mole
cbsenotes • 2020-04-06
What is Kinetic Theory of Matter? CBSE Class 9 - Chemistry - Matter In Surroundings What is Kinetic Theory of Matter? The Kinetic Theory of Matter states that matter is composed
cbsenotes • 2019-08-18
Is Matter Around Us Pure? Class 9 Chemistry Questions and Answers (Part-1)
cbsenotes • 2019-02-01
Chemistry - Atoms and Molecules (MCQs) Q1: Identify the correct symbol of gold: a. Ag c. Gd b. Ge d. Au Q2: Which of the following is tri-atomic? a. Oxygen gas b. Hydrogen gas c.
cbsenotes • 2018-10-08
CBSE Class 9 - Chemistry - Structure Of Atom(Worksheet) An atom is the smallest indivisible unit of an element.. Modern chemistry began with eighteenth-century discoveries leading to th