cbsenotes • 2018-08-23
Internet Basics Very Short Questions and Answers Class 10 - Foundation of Information Technology Question 1: Why is the Internet is so popular? Answer: Due to its extensible use and s
cbsenotes • 2018-08-21
C++ Standard Headers (Q & A) Q1: What is the purpose of a header file in a program? Answer: Header files provide function prototypes- definitions of library functions- declar
cbsenotes • 2017-12-28
CBSE Class 12 - Computer Science -Sample Question Paper - (2017-18)
cbsenotes • 2017-09-23
Basic Database concepts - Important Terms Data: Raw facts and figures which are useful to an organization. We cannot take decisions on the basis of data. Information: Well processed data is c
cbsenotes • 2017-09-11
C++ PracticalPointer Handling Snippet-13Reverse Array of Strings (Pointers) Question: Suppose 7 names are stored in an array of pointers names[] as shown below: char* names[] = {"Anand"-