cbsenotes • 2020-11-24
Quiz on Circles - Class 10 MathematicsQ1: A line intersecting a circle in two points is called a ___. (a) tangent(b) secant(c) diameter(d) sectorQ2: At most- for a given tangent a circle ca
cbsenotes • 2020-08-14
Class 10 - English (Literature) - First Flight – Chapter 3: Two Stories about Flying (MCQs)Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the right choice from the given choices in the qu
cbsenotes • 2016-12-22
Rise Of Nationalism in Europe Unification of Germany in 1848image courtesy: wikimedia commons MCQs based on NCERT Class 10 - History Chapter Q1: In 18th century- politica
cbsenotes • 2012-11-20
Popular Struggles and Movements popular song based on "We shall overcome" MCQs Q1: Which one of the following is a sectional interest group? (a) All India Trade Union Congress (b) MAOIST group
cbsenotes • 2012-08-24
Print Culture and the Modern World (MCQs) Diamond Sutra - China (868AD) credits:wikipedia Q1: Printing was first developed in (a) Japan (b) Portugal (c) China (d) Germany Q2(CBSE 2010): Whic