ipmusings • 2022-02-01
VARIABLES IN INVENTORY PROBLEMOperations Research: Inventory Management We shall now proceed to classify the variables which are involved in an inventory problem. The variables used in any inventory m
ipmusings • 2021-12-29
Why inventory is maintained?As we are aware of the fact that the inventory is maintained for the efficient and smooth running of business affairs. If a manufacturer has no stock of goods at all- on re
ipmusings • 2021-12-15
Operations Research and Production Management: Costs Associated with Inventory Problems What is inventory and explain what are the costs that are involved in inventory problems?An inventory can b
ipmusings • 2020-04-25
What is a Black Swan Event? Pickup the correct option from the following Multiple Choice Based Question (MCQ) Question: The term 'Black Swan Event'- often seen in the news- is related to (a) th
ipmusings • 2018-09-28
Attributes of Spoken and Written Communication Communication takes numerous structures as indicated by the event and circumstance- the connection between the people- the medium- symbols and