Category: class10 science

Class 11/10/9/8 - Chemistry - Uses of Gases (Worksheet) (#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes)

Uses of Gases (Worksheet) Fill the blanks: 1. The gas that can be used to fill party balloons is _______. 2. The gas that is used to make flash light is _______ . 3. The gas widely use

CBSE Notes

CBSE CLASS 10 - Biology - Control and Co-ordination (Important Questions) (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Control and Co-ordination (Important Questions to Revise) ONE MARK QUESTIONS 1. Which endocrine gland is unpaired? 2. Which part of the brain controlled posture and balance of the body?

CBSE Notes


MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ASSIGNMENT 1) When was Ganga action plan project (gap) started and why was it started? 2) Name the type of bacteria whose presence in water causes intestinal

CBSE Notes

CLASS 10 - CHEMISTRY - CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS - Chapter Summary Notes (#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes)

CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS Chapter Summary Notes 1. Chemical reaction — Chemical changes or chemical reactions are the changes in which one or more new substances are formed. 2

CBSE Notes

Class 7/8/10 - Forests Our Life Line or Natural Resources - Importance of Forest Resources (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Natural Resources - Importance of Forest Resources The importance of forest resources can be described as follows: 1. Ecological Balance 2. Renewable Natural Resources 3. Eco-system 4. Eco

CBSE Notes
